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2000+ Clifty Dr

Madison, IN0BR, 0BA, Sq Ft $1,600,000

4938 N Jack Morgan Rd

Austin, IN4BR, 3BA, 3168 Sq Ft $379,900

105 Oak St

Vevay, IN3BR, 2BA, 1300 Sq Ft $229,900

6304 State Road 129

Vevay, IN2BR, 2BA, 748 Sq Ft $305,000

46&48 S Main St

Scottsburg, IN0BR, 0BA, Sq Ft $525,000

606 Green Rd

Madison, IN0BR, 0BA, Sq Ft $110,000

3333 Bevcher Dr

Madison, IN0BR, 0BA, Sq Ft $499,000

135 W Greene Ct

Hanover, IN3BR, 2BA, 1900 Sq Ft $395,000

100 W Greene Ct

Hanover, IN4BR, 2BA, 1800 Sq Ft $395,900

920 Cross Ave

Madison, IN3BR, 2BA, 2141 Sq Ft $324,900

316 E First St

Madison, IN1BR, 1BA, 699 Sq Ft $235,000

103 Oak St

Vevay, IN3BR, 2BA, 1300 Sq Ft $234,900

3996 N Wiggam Cemetary Rd

Deputy, IN3BR, 2BA, 1356 Sq Ft $184,900

825 W First St

Madison, IN3BR, 3BA, 3125 Sq Ft $749,500

650+ E Clifty Dr

Madison, IN0BR, 0BA, Sq Ft $600,000

2772 Tiger Lily Ln

Madison, IN3BR, 1BA, 1092 Sq Ft $179,900